Bob Bible, Esq

Bob Bible

Law Corner

Structuring Beneficiary Designations to Children
Patrick Baxter Patrick Baxter

Structuring Beneficiary Designations to Children

Whether structuring death benefit payments under a life insurance policy, a distribution scheme under a Last Will, or defining similar beneficiary designations, all too often, the structure simply reads, “All to spouse, and if none, all equally to kids or grandkids”.

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“Hey Mom and Dad…Can I Have a Car for Graduation?”
Patrick Baxter Patrick Baxter

“Hey Mom and Dad…Can I Have a Car for Graduation?”

With high school graduation upon us, many of our kids will be heading off to college. If the school is not local, a topic of college preparation may revolve around the assertion, “I need a car”. From there, discussions might move further into deciding, “do we lend our child one of ours?”, or “do we buy our child a car?”.

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