Autism: There Is a Cause

Mother consoling autistic son

Autism is a disorder that is sweeping the nation. In 2000 1 out of every 150 children were diagnosed with autism. Today it is 1 out of every 36 children. So what is autism disorder? The general definition is a child with social problems; Interacting with other socially, poor communication skills, poor speech, repetitive behavior, limited interest, and problems in school and at work with other people. What are some of the causes of autism? Some have said heavy metal toxicity, severe food allergies, and vaccinations. There are some interesting studies out there that have showed that low vitamin D levels in the mother during pregnancy increases the likelihood of autism along with low vitamin D levels in the child. Other studies have shown that mothers with low iron levels may increase autism and children with low iron levels tends to correlate with autism. Remember you need enough iron to hold onto oxygen in a red blood cell.

All of these things seem to have some correlation. We have not found an autistic gene as of yet but there is one thing that all autistic children have. It is alpha synuclein protein either in the blood or the cerebral spinal fluid. The levels of this protein determine the severity of the autism. What is this synuclein protein? It is found in the nerve endings in the brain. The protein we think is there to protect the brain when the neurons are under great stress. Yet for some reason this protein gets misfolded and will actually encroach onto the nerve and remove the insulation or the myelin sheath which is the insulation on the nerve. Which causes an electrical impulse to short out, the protein will attack the potassium channel in the nerve so they don’t close properly which means for instance a neuron does not fire at 75 millivolts but maybe only 10-40 millivolts. So, the electrical system of the brain is always shorting out. Signals are always garbled so how do we fix that? What we have done is give umbilical cord stem cells either as an IV or through the vertebral vascular system so the cells go right into the brain in seconds. The stem cells rebuild the myelin sheath on the nerve and helps close the potassium channels. We then give exosomes which is a part of the cord blood to get the alpha synuclein protein off the nerve.

Lastly, we give a compounded version of 4 amino pyridine to maintain the myelin sheath and to help close the potassium channel. The families are very happy with the results. 70% noted increased concentration, decreased repetitive behavior, more verbalization and more sociability. It is the electrical system that is the problem in autism. The medical institutions are looking at genes or inflammation and how to decrease it or some chemical imbalances. But, in getting to the nitty gritty it is the electrical voltage output that is the key in all the autistics. Make sure your child’s therapist or doctor is addressing the electrical system or else you are missing out in really helping the children lead a productive life.

Patrick Baxter

Patrick Baxter

· creative, designer, director

· brand design and management

· artist and culture vulture

· experience strategist

A big fat education and 25+ years experience in brand, promotional campaign, Web and digital design, PJ (Patrick) is sometimes referred to as a UX unicorn and focuses on critical consumption, creative delivery, and strategy. The founder of BAXTER branded, he enjoys all things interactive while engaging in the world of fine arts and being a professor for Web Design and Interactive Media.

It’s in The Gamma


Face to waste