A Dementia Caregiver Called to Action: The Journey

(Dementia Caregivers' Guidebooks)

Book cover for -A Dementia Caregiver Called to Action: The Journey (Dementia Caregivers' Guidebooks)

Finding out your loved one has dementia feels like a gut blow. The things that you hear about how the disease affects the person and the family is sometimes unbearable, especially when you’re not prepared. But, is anyone ever prepared for a diagnosis like this?

Because our current healthcare system is not geriatric centered, many medical professionals are not well informed about what supports are available to offer family caregivers. Therefore, this book will offer guiding practices for families diagnosed with dementia. The information within this guide provides direction on what to consider before the diagnosis, at diagnosis, and after the diagnosis.

Although there’s not a cure for progressive types of dementia, like Alzheimer’s, there is care – your care. So, here’s to getting ahead of the journey.

Available on Amazon



Dr. Macie P. Smith

Dr. Macie P. Smith

Dr. Macie P. Smith boasts over twenty years of expertise as a Licensed Social Worker and Gerontologist, dedicated to serving aging and vulnerable populations alongside their family caregivers. Her multifaceted role encompasses conducting research, crafting programs, evaluating their efficacy, and facilitating professional development training in the pivotal areas of healthcare management, family caregiving, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and cognitive impairment.

More about this author at drmaciesmith.com

Patrick Baxter

Patrick Baxter

· creative, designer, director

· brand design and management

· artist and culture vulture

· experience strategist

A big fat education and 25+ years experience in brand, promotional campaign, Web and digital design, PJ (Patrick) is sometimes referred to as a UX unicorn and focuses on critical consumption, creative delivery, and strategy. The founder of BAXTER branded, he enjoys all things interactive while engaging in the world of fine arts and being a professor for Web Design and Interactive Media.


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