Can Vitamin D Help to fight off COVID-19?

Can Vitamin D Help to fight off COVID-19?

You all are probably sick of hearing or reading about COVID-19. I am getting to that point also. Every day there seems to be another new drug or vaccine possibly coming to the market soon and I hope we have a vaccine soon or a drug that will be that so called “miracle...
Can Vitamin D Help to fight off COVID-19?

Patients Are Not Just A Number…

Years ago, I learned from a professor that if you listen to a patient long enough they will tell you what their real problem is and how to fix the problem. Listening to a patient, however, is a lost art in today’s medicine. Today, it is common for the patient to...
Can Vitamin D Help to fight off COVID-19?

Are your medications causing other problems in your body?

Even with these uncertain times with the corona virus, our practice has continued to be busy.  When seeing a patient for the first time I always ask them how they are and many times they tell me they are fine and have no problems.  I will then look to see if they are...
Can Vitamin D Help to fight off COVID-19?

Ozone, Ebola and Coronavirus

A few years ago, the American Ozone Association was invited to a small West African nation that was in the grip of an Ebola outbreak. The virus was sweeping the nation. Its victims were old, young, male, female, rich, poor, with a death rate of about 50% for all who...
Can Vitamin D Help to fight off COVID-19?

It’s in your Genes!

The other day someone mentioned to me how my sisters and I look alike since we all have certain Scandinavian physical qualities. I agreed but said we sure are different when it comes to our personalities and even our health. The more I have been studying the science...
Can Vitamin D Help to fight off COVID-19?

You can teach an old dog new tricks!

It is always fun to read about how drug companies make a new drug and they get it approved for treatment for a condition like pulmonary hypertension and then after it has been on the market for a while you find out it causes erection in the penis meaning it treats...
Can Vitamin D Help to fight off COVID-19?

Remedies to Fight Cold and Flu in the New Year

Here we are in the time of year when cold and flu seems to affect most of us. There are billions of people in the world and everyone seems to have their “go to” treatment when it comes to colds and the flu. So, I thought I would inform you of some of my “go to”...